• Associate of Biblical Studies Curriculum (Two-Year Plan): 60 Units

General Description and Program Goals

Westminster International University offers an Associate degree in Biblical Studies requiring 60 semester hours of credit.
The program requires two academic years and is designed to equip students with the guidance and leadership skills necessary for them to become effective Bible Study teachers both in and out of the church context.
The goal of the program is to help students attain a fundamental grounding in general educations of the Church, Biblical Studies, and practical ministry skills.

The goals of the Associate of Arts in Biblical Studies program are to:

  • To prepare students for transferring to a university; and
  • To prepare students to assist professional ministers in the various duties of the church or Christian organizations.

 Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of the degree, students will be able to:

  • Integrate broad knowledge in general education for a Christian worldview.
  • Demonstrate a knowledge of Scripture, proper use of hermeneutics, and ability to communicate the Gospel;
  • Exhibit spiritual maturity as a Christian leader;
  • Demonstrate the basic theoretical understanding and practical skills for ministry

 Graduation Requirements
The Associates degree in Biblical Studies program requires the completion of a minimum of 60 semester hours of credit, and demonstration of Christian character. Credits can be a combination of transfer credits and completion of course work with a Grade Point Average of C (2.0). At least 18 credits must be in General Education.

Course Titles and Level
All courses are at the Associate degree level. Courses are numbered 100-400. Course descriptions are provided in this catalog.

Degree Requirements: 60 credits
The Associate of Biblical Studies requires 60units of course work, 27units of biblical studies, 6units of theological & historical Studies, 9units Educational Studies, 6units Practical Theology, 9units of General Education, and 3units of ministry Project.


  • Units to be completed as follows: 60 units

Biblical Studies  ……………………………………………………………………………………   27 units        
       Old Testament (12 units)
       OT101_Old Testament Survey (3 units)
       OT111_Pentateuch (3 units)
       OT112_Old Testament Historical Books (3 units)
       OT113_Poetic and Wisdom Literature (3 units)

New Testament (12 units)
       NT101_New Testament Survey (3 units)
       NT111_The Gospels (3 units)
       NT112_The Acts of the Apostles I (3 units)
       NT113_Pauline Epistles I (3 units)

Biblical Theology (3units)
       BT101_Introduction to Hermeneutics (3units)

Theological & Historical Studies  ……………………………………………………………………   6 units

Christian Doctrine (6 units)
       CD101_Introduction to Christian Doctrine I (3 units)
       CD101_Introduction to Christian Doctrine II (3 units)

Educational Studies  …………………………………………………………………………………   9 units
       CE101_Introduction to Christian Education (3 units)
       LE131_Introduction to Small Group Ministry (3 units)
       CE231_Life Span Development (3 units)

Practical Theology  ……………………………………………………………………………………   6 units
       PT181_Ministry Formation I (3 units)
       PT111_Introduction to Worship (3 units)

General Education  ……………………………………………………………………………………   9 units
Electives (9 units) / Choose 9 units
       PH101_Introduction to Philosophy (3 units)
       IS101_Introduction to World Missions (3 units)
       CH115_Church History of the student’s Nation (3 units)
       NT301_The Historical Background of the New Testament (3 units)
       BT321_The Tabernacle (3 units)
       LE201_Life Management I _ Discovering Destiny (3 units)
       LE202_Life Management II _ Achieving Destiny (3 units)
       NT114_Pauline Epistles II (3 units)
       NT115_General Epistles I (3 units)
       NT116_General Epistles II (3 units)
       OT114_Major Prophets (3 units)
       OT115_Minor Prophets (3 units)

Ministry Project  ………………………………………………………………………………………   3 units
       PT201_Ministry Project I (3units)


Fall Semester (1st Semester) Spring Semester (2nd Semester)
Co. No. Courses Units Co. No. Courses Units
OT101 Old Testament Survey
3 LE131 Introduction to Small Group Ministry
소그룹 인도법 개론
NT101 New Testament Survey
3 PT111 Introduction to Worship
예배학 개론
BT101 Introduction to Hermeneutics
해석학 개론
3 CE101 Introduction to Christian Education
기독교 교육학 개론
CD101 Introduction to Christian Doctrine I
기독교 교리 요약 I
3 CD102 Introduction to Christian Doctrine II
기독교 교리 요약 II
PT181 Ministry Formation I
사역실천 I
3 Elective
15 15


Fall Semester (3rd Semester) Spring Semester (4th Semester)
Co. No. Courses Units Co. No. Courses Units
OT111 Pentateuch
3 OT113 Poetic and Wisdom Literature
OT112 Old Testament Historical Books
3 NT113 Pauline Epistles I
바울서신 I (롬-갈)
NT111 The Gospels
3 CE231 Life Span Development
NT112 The Acts of the Apostles
3 Elective
3 PT201 Ministry Project I
사역 프로젝트 I
15 15